An image of a grocery store


October 2023 - Present

A backend designed to track items, departments, and managers for retail clients. Currently porting the backend to Postgres and GraphQL.

  • Golang
  • Postgres
  • GraphQL
  • Gin
  • Docker

An image of the go web app website

Go Web App

April 2024

A server-side website built with Go and HTML that lets you add and delete comments.

  • Golang
  • HTML
  • SQLite
  • Fiber
  • Docker
  • Tailwind CSS
  • HTMX

A gif of the Citation Maker website

Citation Maker

September 2023 - November 2023

A web app that creates MLA citations based on client input.

  • Typescript
  • NextJS
  • Cypress
  • Tailwind CSS

A gif demonstrating the Rabbit mobile app.


December 2022 - March 2023

Rabbit is an unreleased mobile app that features messaging, news, and weather.

  • React Native
  • SendBird
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB